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Let’s celebrate 60 years of God’s blessings!!!

Were you part of St. Mark’s youth group or confirmed at St. Mark’s? If so, this event is for YOU!

When: Saturday Oct. 1st

Time: 2 – 5 pm for food, fellowship, fun and some program….however, doors will be open until 9 pm!

Where: Where else, but the St. Mark’s basement where youth group and confirmation classes were held!

Who: YOU (feel free to invite your significant other)

RSVP: Friday, September 16th


Join our Reunion Facebook group and reconnect with old friends

We have been planning for a year now and are excited about connecting again and most of all thanking the Lord for all He has done, is doing and will do at St. Mark’s. Spread the word!

If you would like to help out with catering, set up, take down, help with program, send pictures (we will have a memory table and decade’s table that will represent each of the six decades), make a small tax-receiptable donation to offset costs of this event or in other way, please send us an email.

The Reunion Committee: Kecia Boecking, P. Ingrid Doerschel, Karen (Ratsch) Russell, Ron Schmalz, Annette Weber

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