1573 East 18th Avenue, Vancouver, B.C. V5N 2H4
P. Ingrid Doerschel (604-566-2102) –
Sekretariat (604-876-43120) –
Mai 2022
Liebe Gemeinde und liebe Freunde der Gemeinde,
“Der Mai ist gekommen…” und mit dem Mai das herrliche Frühlingsgrün der Bäume, die Narzissen, Tulpen und so vieles mehr. Der erste Sonntag im Mai trägt auch einen besonderen Names: “Die Barmherzigkeit Gottes” oder “Der gute Hirte Sonntag”.
Das Bild des guten Hirten ist uns besonders vertraut durch Psalm 23: Der Herr ist mein Hirte. Ich denke, vielen von Ihnen ist er bekannt und einige können ihn sicherlich auswendig:
“Der Herr ist mein Hirte, mir wird nichts mangeln. Er weidet mich auf grüner Aue und führet mich zum frischen Wasser. Er erquicket meine Seele und führet mich auf rechter Strasse um seines namens Willen. Und ob ich schon wanderte im finstern Tal, fürchte ich kein Unglück, denn du bist bei mir, dein Stecken und Stab trösten mich. Du bereitest vor mir einen Tisch im Angesicht meiner Feinde, du salbest mein Haupt mit Öl und schenkest mir voll ein. Gutes und Barmherzigkeit werden mir folgen mein Leben lang und ich werde bleiben im Hause des Herrn immerdar.”
Wir leben in einer Zeit, die uns besonders herausfordert: Der Krieg in der Ukraine, die Klimaveränderung, das Corona Virus und vieles mehr. Wir machen uns Sorgen um unsere Gesundheit, um unser Leben, und um das Leben anderer. Doch wir sind dem allen nicht schutzlos ausgeliefert.Der christliche Glaube kann uns gerade jetzt helfen. Durch den Glauben werden zwar die Schwierigkeiten und Probleme nicht einfach beseitigt. Doch der Glaube an Gott schenkt uns Zuversicht und Geborgenheit trotz aller Nöte und Probleme. Das beste Gegenmittel gegen Angst und Sorgen ist das Vertrauen zu Gott. Es ist ein Vertrauen, das von vielen Menschen seit biblischen Zeiten bis heute erprobt und als hilfreich erlebt wurde: Der Herr ist mein Hirte. Dieses Bild ist besonders eindrücklich und berührend. Der Hirte, der sich fürsorglich um seine Schafe kümmert. Es ist ein Bild für das vertrauensvolle Miteinander von Gott und den mit ihm verbunden Menschen.
Jeder und jede von uns darf sich bei Gott als dem guten Hirten geborgen fühlen, auch in einer aussergewöhnlichen und bedrängenden Situationen. Gott räumt nicht alle Schwierigkeiten aus unserem Weg, aber er ist uns doch nahe und begleitet uns auch auf den Durststrecken des Lebens. In der Finsternis des Lebens, in Krankheit und Trauer, ja sogar in Todesangst gilt: Gott ist stärker als alles, was uns Angst macht. Wie auch immer sich die derzeitige Situation weiter entwickeln mag, Gott ist und bleibt unser guter Hirte. Schritt für Schritt gehen wir so durch die finsteren Täler unseres Lebens und finden wieder zurück ins Leben.
Wir sind nicht allein.
Ihre Pastorin Ingrid Dörschel
Mitteilungen und Einladungen
Ich lade Sie herzlich zu allen Gottesdiensten in die St. Markus-Kirche ein: Wir feiern den “guten Hirten” mit Chor am Sonntag, dem 1. Mai um 9:30 Uhr, werden im Gottesdienst am Sonntag, dem 8. Mai, für die Mütter in der Welt beten, feiern Gottesdienst am 22. Mai und Himmelfahrtsgottesdienst am Sonntag, dem 29. Mai.
Eine besondere Einladung:
Wir laden ein zu einem gemeinsamen Gottesdienst mit Chor am Sonntag, dem 15. Mai um 10:00 Uhr. Lassen Sie uns nach dem Gottesdienst ein gemeinsames Mittagessen geniessen und danach etwa eine Stunde über ihre Fragen und unsere Antworten zum Thema Synodenbeitritt besprechen. Das Mittagessen werden wir bestellen, aber…könnte ich um Kuchenspenden bitten? Bitte geben Sie mir (Pastor Ingrid) einfach nach dem Gottesdienst Bescheid oder hinterlassen eine Nachricht auf dem Anrufbeantworter im Kirchenbüro. Danke sehr!
Wir haben mehr für Sie:
Haben Sie Freude an Bewegung mit Musik? Dann kommen sie zu Fitness und Prayer! Der Schwerpunkt liegt auf Übungen, die für Senioren geeignet sind: Dehnen, Muskelkraft, Haltung, Gleichgewicht und Koordination, Atem und Entspannungsübungen. Es ist nie zu spät etwas für die Beweglichkeit zu tun! 2 x monatlich am Mittwoch um 10:30 im Kirchenkeller; Beginn: Mittwoch, 4. Mai. Bitte im Buero anmelden: 604 876 4312 oder
Und noch eine wichtige Mitteilung:
Der Frauenkreis “Freudenquell” trifft sich ab Mai immer Dienstags von 13:30-15:30 Uhr.
Das nächste Treffen findet statt am Dienstag, dem 17. Mai mit dem Thema: Meine Lieblingstasse und ihre Geschichte. Bitte bringen sie ihre “Lieblingstasse” mit und erzählen sie ihre Geschichte.
Bis wir uns wiedersehen halte Gott Sie und Euch sicher in seiner Hand.
Pastorin Ingrid
President’s Corner
As your captain, I think it is important to keep you informed about what is happening with our ship, its course and its crew. As such I commit to providing you with short updates in each newsletter going forward. After I introduced myself personally a bit more last month, the main purpose of my message today will be introducing the strategy for our future I mentioned in the April newsletter. This month’s newsletter also contains an updated list of the standing and ad hoc committees, and who is currently on it. You will see that council made some changes we believe are necessary to set us up well for the next two years. Since we are always looking for new members, I encourage everyone to approach us and consider stepping up to join or lead one of the groups.
I thank those that submitted detailed questions to the Transition Committee regarding the proposed ELCIC synod membership. The Committee prepared answers for you that are attached as part of this newsletter. It is important to keep everyone engaged in this discussion to keep the dialogue open throughout the summer to allow you making an informed decision when it comes to the proposed vote in September.
God has heard our prayers, and he is opening a door for us no one previously thought would be possible. Here is what happened…
Seemingly out of nowhere, in late February we received an email from the Evangelische Kirche Deutschland’s (Protestant Church of Germany) that offers a partnership with St.Mark’s. The EKD has ecumenical relations to more than 140 German-speaking Protestant congregations abroad and more than 60 world-wide partner churches on all six continents, including the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada (ELCIC). Their Department of Global Ministries pre-selects and then accompanies pastors who are sent to foreign countries to serve German-speaking and bilingual communities and partner churches in Europe as well as overseas. Currently, in North America the EKD sends pastors to only four German-speaking congregations in Ottawa, Toronto, New York and Washington. I have been in contact with the President of Martin Luther Church in Toronto who have been fortunate to draw from an amazing pool of expatriate pastors from Germany for almost 25 years, and it worked well for them, the president prides herself being the flagship (what’s with all these ship analogies?) congregation in Ontario primarily due the caliber pastors available from Germany.
St. Mark’s has the historic chance to be the first and only German speaking congregation on the Westcoast of North America to become an official ‘Auslandskirche’, or partner church. Sounds too good to be true? Because it is, all our prayers have been answered…BUT we have to vote in favor of an ELCIC membership first. This offer requires us to become members of the BC Synod.
What are we waiting for St.Mark’s? God opened us a door, let’s trust his message and follow him, in confidence.
God bless. Tobias Finke
More information on the EKD in North America:
St. Mark’s Evangelical Lutheran Church
1573 East 18th Avenue, Vancouver, B.C. V5N 2H4
P. Ingrid Doerschel (604-566-2102) –
Office (604-876-4312) –
Dear friends and members of St. Mark’s Lutheran Church:
It’s May and with many of you I am enjoying the lush spring colours, the flowers and mild temperatures, the beauty of creation. Perhaps it is not a coincidence that the first Sunday of May is called: ” The mercies of our Lord.” Psalm 23 is the one of the readings of that Sunday: The Lord is my shepherd. It is considered as one of the most beautiful and most comforting writings in the Bible and some of you might still be acquainted with the text of this psalm:
“The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want. He makes me lie down in green pastures; he leads me beside still waters; You restore my soul, O Lord, and guide me along right pathways for your name’s sake. And though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I shall fear no evil, for You are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me. You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies; you anoint my head with oil, and my cup is running over. Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.”
The imagery is that of a flock of sheep, and all that constitutes the “good life” for a sheep: green grass, abundant water, and a good shepherd, who leads and guides in this life and through this life. It is a place of abundance and beauty. It is a place of vibrant and nourishing green pastures. It is a place of deep, still waters. Our God has given us a home. The writer calls it the House of the Lord. It is good that God offers us comfort especially in challenging times like this, when news about the war in the Ukraine, climate change, Corona Virus and more is increasing feelings of isolation, stress and anxiety. At the same time the words of Psalm 23 remind us that life is a journey through restful green pastures and beside quite waters; a journey through the deepest darkest shadows of death, a journey to the light again. A journey that will have its destination in the House of the Lord, as Psalm 23 concludes: I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever. The author of the Psalm, King David, points to the Good Shepherd, who for us is personified in Jesus Christ. Jesus is the one who wants to open our eyes to the beauty of creation, who wants to feed our hunger to be loved, who wants to comfort us in our distress and to embrace the universal and unending love of God. We are not alone.
So, be well and safe, guided by the love of the Good Shepherd.
Pastor Ingrid Dörschel
Invitation and Information:
Would you like to get to know our confirmand students? Please join the English worship service at 11:00am at St. Mark’s, where our students are participating in on a regular basis.
I am also very much looking forward to our joint worship service on Sunday, May 15 at 10:00am, a nice lunch to follow. We also would like to have our first meeting regarding the topic: Joining the BC-Synod/ELCIC (Evangelical Lutheran Church In Canada)? The transitional committee has taken time and effort in order to answer the questions we have received from you. You’ll find the package attached. If you have some time to spare, please read our answers and let’s talk! After lunch, coffee, and cake of course. BTW, lunch will be provided, would some of you like to bring some cake along? Please let me (Pastor Ingrid) know or leave a voice mail at the office phone.
Finally: Are you interested in fitness and prayer? To move to music sessions focused on older adults/seniors? Join us for a time of fun and well-being by doing gentle exercises in strength, stretching, balance, and breathing. It’s never too late to start working on yourself. We will meet twice a month from 10:30am to 11:30am in the church basement, starting on Wednesday, May 4. Please register by phoning 604 876 4312 or emailing: Thank you!
New face in the office
Probably you have already recognized, there is a new face in the church office/a new voice on the phone.
I am Kosmas, the husband of Pastor Ingrid. I had been asked to serve as interim secretary until this position could be filled by someone permanently.
I am looking forward meeting many of you in person or on the phone. Please call me at the office number or send me an email if there is anything I could do for you.
St. Mark’s updated Committees/Teams
(April, 2022)
Existing Committees/Teams structure:
● Evangelism and Worship
● Stewardship
● Education
● Property and management
Updated Committees/Teams, and their purpose:
Worship and Music replacing Evangelism and Worship:
● Worship and Music: Pastor Ingrid, Dubravko Pajalic
Evangelism and Education replacing Education:
● Sunday School: Pastor Ingrid, Agnes Drissler
● Confirmands: Pastor Ingrid and others (by invitation)
● Bible Study: Pastor Ingrid
● Pray & Stretch: Carola von Hahn, Pastor Ingrid
Building / Property replacing Property and Management: Frank Wagner and office secretary
● Use of properties, short and long term capital improvements plan
● Rentals
Maintenance replacing Property and Management: Bernie Epting, Peter Tanner, Jason Schroth, Tobias Finke
● Maintenance and repairs
Newly formed Committees/Teams, and their purpose:
Member care/Visitation: Annekatrin Shaw and others
● Inward mission (“Besuchskreis”)
● Engaging of membership
Outreach/Volunteerism: Annekatrin Shaw and others
● Assistance to persons in need within our community/city
● Refugee assistance: Pastor Ingrid, Karen Kofield, Robert Shaw, Rebecca Fox and Erika Plettner
● Work with the German-Canadian Benevolent Society (focused on the care home)
Transitional committee: Erika Plettner, Andrea Mechler, Tobias Finke, Jason Schroth, Hans-Christian Behm, Pastor Ingrid
● Steering of the congregation during the transition towards joining the synod and a new pastoral call
Personnel/HR: Elisabeth Wagner, Pastor Ingrid, Tobias Finke
● Definition and call for new non-pastoral support positions: church secretary, IT support
Ad hoc Committees/Teams, and their purpose:
Calling committee: Tobias Finke, Patrick von Hahn, Andrea Mechler, Hans-Christian Behm, Michele Britton, Pastor Ingrid
● Define the new pastor role, advertise the position, finalize the calling process
Nomination committee: Andrea Mechler, Barbara Schuster, Juergen Schroth, Pastor Ingrid
● Find and Nominate church council candidates
Oakridge merger committee: Rene Boecking, Juergen Schroth, Jason Schroth and Pastor Ingrid
● Explore the feasibility of the merger offer extended by Oakridge church
Mission committee: Shirley Landefeld, Pastor. Ingrid
Stewardship (as required)
COVID coordinator: Kosmas Doerschel (interim)
● Evaluate developments to protect community and propose measures to council monthly until further notice
Team Public Relation: Rene Boecking, Pastor Ingrid, office secretary
● IT, recording and more; website; Facebook; newsletter ; calendar
Team Hospitality: Monika & Jürgen Schroth and others
● Coffee after church
Financial Team:
Financial secretary: Agnes Drissler
Collection Deposit: Birgit Partridge
Treasurer: Harald Kositza