Evangelisch-Lutherische St. Markusgemeinde
Vancouver, B.C. 1573 East 18th Avenue V5N 2H4
Tel.: 604-874-8427
October/November 2012
Dear Members and Friends,
First of all we wish to thank you for all the positive and helpful responses to our first letter. The first letter wanted to describe the financial situation. In this second letter we would like to present ideas on how to tackle the challenges we face.
During the last meeting the Committee agreed that the problems we face will not be solved by a “quick-fix” rather than by a process in which we want to set short-term and long-term goals. Beside this we have realized that the challenges we face include not only financial but also spiritual aspects. At the end it is a very personal question about my relationship to my parish. The question we have to ask ourselves is: “What does my church mean to me?”
How can we address the issues involved? The Stewardship Committee finds it necessary to respond to our situation with a short-term and a long-term plan. Looking at the time of the church year, approaching the celebration of Thanksgiving, we felt that we could invite you to consider a special one-time Thanksgiving gift to our church to help us to recover our reserves. We were encouraged to present this request to you by some of our parishioners who spontaneously gave already donations towards this cause after receiving our first letter.
Furthermore the Stewardship Committee suggests developing a timeline for a balanced budget. For this we need budget reduction targets under the premise that we want to be financially prudent without limiting our call as congregation to proclaim the Gospel in this world and this city in word and deed. As one step in this process we want to look at our expenses line by line if there are possibilities in our already tight budget to optimize the use of our funds without compromising the work we are called to do.
Looking at the long term approach, the committee will check out if there are other fundraising opportunities and if there might be other sources of revenue for instance to rent out our facilities to other church groups.
Stewardship means more than just the finances. Therefore it also has to include the spiritual aspects of the congregational life. In this context we appreciate that the Evangelism and Worship committee is going to take on the challenge to create a long-term plan for all aspects of our ministry outlining concrete steps and goals for the short-term and long-term range. This will include creating a vision for our church, which helps us to address our future in a positive manner. The vision is meant to help us to invigorate our congregational life and to define new goals for our ministry. We are confident that God will use us to contribute our share to build and to serve His kingdom. It will help us to ensure that our focus is not on what we can’t do but rather “how can we do this?” This process will need your input, your active participation and ideas to create a future picture of our church.
We have realized that all these different approaches to tackle the challenges of our church include and actually come back to one question, each one of us has to answer: “How would I like to see the church in the future and what am I willing and able to contribute to this future?” Our challenge is to build a church that reaches your heart for both of these questions.
We, as the Stewardship Committee agree that the challenges of our congregation can only be addressed by the congregation as a whole: by supporting the processes with ideas, advices, constructive criticism, financial support and prayer.
“Don’t worry about anything, but pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done.” (Phil. 4:6)
For the Stewardship Committee,
Renè Boecking, Lance Bowerbank, Pastor Kristina Breit, Agnes Drissler,Pastor Hardo Ermisch, Jörg Nixdorf, Alfred Sulzberger, Elke Swantje
Freud und Leid
Das Sakrament der Heiligen Taufe empfingen Alexander Bolzner, Emma Bolzner und Johannes Damberg. Möge der Herr den Lebensweg der Kinder segnen und Eltern, Paten und Großeltern Weisheit geben, ihnen im lebendigen Glauben an Jesus Christus Vorbild zu sein.
Es wurden getraut und haben den Segen des dreieinigen Gottes für ihre Ehe erhalten Herr Karsten Jeske & Frau Corinna Wolf sowie Herr Rory Miller & Frau Monika Lanz. Wir bitten den Herrn, den gemeinsamen Lebensweg der Paare zu segnen.
Aus diesem Leben abberufen wurden Herr Karl Leidel und Frau Klara Schwab. Wir bitten den Herrn, die Verstorbenen in Gnaden anzunehmen und ihre trauernden Angehörigen mit dem Mantel seines Trostes zu umhüllen.
Besondere Gottesdienste und Veranstaltungen
Erntedankfest (7.Oktober) – deutscher Gottesdienst um 9:30 Uhr. Die Kirche wird am Freitag, dem 6.Oktober geschmückt. Wer etwas zum Schmuck der Kirche beitragen möchte, kann seine Gaben bis zum Donnerstagabend im Pfarrhaus abgeben.
Am 21.Oktober feiert unsere Gemeinde den 51.Jahrestag ihres Bestehens. Um 9:30 Uhr ist ein deutsch-englischer Dankgottesdienst.Danach gibt es ein Essen im Erdgeschoss der Kirche. Dieses Essen dient als „fund raiser“ für unsere Kirchgemeinde und kostet $ 12.00 pro Person (Kinder 12 Jahre alt und jünger bekommen ihr Essen umsonst).
Reformationssonntag (28.Oktober) – Der deutsche Gottesdienst wird unter dem Thema stehen: „Die Reformation und die Musik“. In diesem Gottesdienst wollen wir uns an die wunderbare Kirchenmusik erinnern, die die Reformation hervorgebracht hat.
Themapredigt am 18.November im deutschen Gottesdienst um 9:30 Uhr: „Was ich Deiner Seele wünsche“ (Gedanken, die Dir gut tun).
Am Ewigkeitssonntag (25.November) gedenken wir im deutschen Gottesdienst um 9:30 Uhr der Verstorbenen des vergangenen Kirchenjahres und feiern das Heilige Abendmahl.
Das Kränzebinden findet statt am Dienstag, dem 27.November + Mittwoch, dem 28. November – Beginn 10:00 Uhr.
Jede Hand wird gebraucht. Bitte bringen Sie Ihre Gartenschere mit. Wer über Mittag bleiben kann wird gebeten, sich ein Lunch mitzubringen. Kaffee und Tee stehen zur Verfügung.
Zum Binden der Kränze benötigen wir viel Tannengrün. Sollten Sie Zweige haben, die für diesen Zweck geeignet sind, rufen Sie uns bitte rechtzeitig an (Pfarramt: 604-874-8427).
1.Dezember – im Erdgeschoss der Kirche von 10:00 Uhr bis 14:00 Uhr
Für den Basar benötigen wir folgendes: gebrauchte und neue Weihnachtsdekorationen, weihnachtliche Handarbeiten, jede Art Gebackenes, Kartoffelsalat, Nudelsalat, Sauerkraut. Alles Essbare kann am Basartag von 9:00 Uhr an in das Erdgeschoss der Kirche gebracht werden. Ausserdem brauchen wir dringend Hilfe beim Aufbauen am 30.November und beim Aufräumen am 1.Dezember nach dem Basar. Bitte tragen Sie sich Anfang November in die am Ausgang liegenden Listen ein.
Die Frauen treffen sich am 2.Oktober und am 6.November jeweils um 19:30 Uhr im Erdgeschoss der Kirche.
Alle Frauen sind herzlich eingeladen.
Die Männer treffen sich am 20.Oktober und 17.November jeweils um 7:00 Uhr an einem neuen Ort:
abc Country Restaurant, 2350 Boundry Road, Burnaby.
In der Nacht vom 3. zum 4.November werden die Uhren um eine Stunde zurückgestellt.
St. Mark’s Evangelical Lutheran Church
Vancouver, B.C. 1573 East 18th Avenue V5N 2H4
Tel.: 604-299-8434
October/November 2012
Do not use foul or abusive language. Let everything you say be good and helpful, so that your words are an encouragement to those who hear them. Ephesians 4:29
Dear Friends,
A legend is told about Socrates, the great Philosopher:
One day, the old wise Socrates walks down the streets, when all of the sudden a man runs up to him “Socrates I have to tell you something about your friend who…”
“Hold on”, Socrates interrupts him. “About the story you’re about to tell, did you put it trough the three sieves?” “Three sieves?” the man asks, “what three sieves?” “Let’s try it”, Socrates says.
“The first sieve is the one of truth, did you examine what you were about to tell me if it is true?” Socrates asks. “Well no, I just overheard it”, the man says.
“Ah, well then have you used the second sieve, the sieve of good?” Socrates asks, “is it something good what you’re about to tell me?” “Hmm, no, on the contrary”, the man answers. “Hmmm”, the wise man says, “let’s use the third sieve then. Is it necessary to tell me what you’re so excited about?” “No not necessary”, the man says.
“Well”, Socrates says with a smile, “if the story you’re about to tell me isn’t true, good or necessary, just forget it and don’t bother me with it.”
How do we use our words? We all say and use thousand of words every day. But many of our words hurt others, put others down or discourage even if we don’t see this. This is especially true for many words said behind the backs of others. Luther reminds us in his commentary on the eighth commandment: „Do not lie about, betray or slander your neighbor, but excuse him, speak well of him, and put the best construction on everything”.
Our words are so important because they are messengers of the spirit inside of us. Which spirit is driving us and our words? I hope it is the spirit of Jesus Christ, a spirit of love, so that we create a loving and caring environment in our homes, at our workplaces and in our church. This will make us real ambassadors of Christ.
In His Love,
Kristina Breit
October 5 Broadway Sky train Station outreach – Prep and prayer time at 6:30pm
October 12 Get lost – The Corn-Maze
October 19 Where does your chocolate come from? – An evening on Social Justice
October 26 Strobe Light Soccer
November 2 Broadway Sky train Station outreach – Prep and prayer time at 6:30pm
November 9 Money, Money, Money – an evening all around money
November 16 Open Doors – a station run
November 23/24 Did you know….? – A story-night with games and movies and sleep over
November 30 Ice Skating
Sunday School
We offer Sunday School in English during the German and the English Service.
Sunday School in German for children between 1 and 5 years is offered during every German Service – German Sunday School for older kids is offered every third Sunday of the month parallel to the German Service.
Christmas Play
The rehearsals for the Christmas play begin October 14th. If your child or grandchild would like to participate this year, please contact Kecia Boecking (604-988-1356).
51st Church anniversary
On October 21st we will have a combined service at 9:30am to celebrate the 51st anniversary of our church. We invite to a fundraiser luncheon after the service. We ask for a donation of 12$ per person (children 12 years and under are free) for the lunch. The funds will be used for future programs of our church.
On December 1st we will have our annual Bazaar. Donations of Christmas decoration, crafts, cakes and salads are most welcome.
The binding of the advents wreath will happen on November 27th and 28th between 10am and 4pm.
If you are interested in learning how to bind wreath, feel welcome as well, we will teach and help you.
For the order of advents wreath please contact Carole Gerber (604-299-8434) or Pastor Breit (604-435-5950).
We need volunteers for the set up as well as to get things back into order after the Bazaar.
The Ladies Group meets on October 2nd and November 6th at 7:30pm in the basement of our church.
English Bible Study meets on October 16th and November 20th at 7:30pm – location to be announced –for information please contact Pastor Breit (604-435-5950).
Freudenquell Ladies meet on October 15th and November 19th at 2pm in the Church Basement..
The Young Family Group meets on October 6th and November 3rd. Doors to the church basement open around 4pm. For more information please contact Kecia Boecking (604-988-1356).